Our Fabric is designed by NZ artists!
Get to know our Artists and their incredible work
Ashley McDonald

Winner of the 2023 Honeywrap Bird of The Century Design a Wrap Competition, Ashley McDonald.
I am a young Wellington-based artist that enjoys combining my two favourite passions; conservation ecology and creating art. I love to be out in nature, birdwatching and taking photos to use as inspiration for future artworks. I love being able to use my international artistic platform to not only showcase some of Aotearoa New Zealand's most unique species, but to also raise awareness of different conservation issues and their respective organisations working to make a difference. I am delighted to have my Honeywrap design directly contributing to Forest & Bird!
Elaine Bozza
Winner of the 2022 Honeywrap Bird of The Year Design a Wrap Competition, Elaine Bozza.
Elaine Bozza is an incredible artist and expresses her passion for nature and the environment through her artwork.
Her wrap design depicts New Zealand's Native Birds beautifully and we are proud to welcome Elaine to the Honeywrap family and have her as our designer for the 2022 Bird of The Year - NZ Native Birds wrap.
Our Bird of The Year design is limited edition and $1 from every wrap sold is donated to Forest & Bird.
Check out more of Elaines stunning designs on her website.
Cat McKay
It was a collaborative process, creating fun new designs including ones influenced by the New Zealand coastline and bush as well as ones promoting gardening and cycling which are definitely things close to our hearts.
Evie Kemp Artist Collab

Keren MacFadgen
Indigo Greenlaw

The Paper Rain Project is a social enterprise which focuses on high-quality, unique products which support people and the environment throughout their making. With a specialisation in fair trade, organic t-shirts and surf/skate culture-inspired board artworks, Paper Rain pair each artwork with a charity to which a portion of profits are donated. The co-founders, Indigo & Wills, choose to support a number of environmental causes such as The Wildlife Hospital, Project Jonah and Conservation Kids NZ ~ so it was perfectly fitting for Indigo to illustrate a native bird artwork for this collaboration for Forest Bird!
Indigo has a personal passion for native birds, conservation and sustainability, so said "it was a no-brainer to work with Honeywrap on their efforts to reduce plastic. With such a huge number of our natives in severe danger of decline (and even extinction), Forest & Bird need all the help they can get!"
Project Jonah Charity Collaboration
Honeywrap has teamed up with this amazing charity to create a very special whale print, designed by the very talented New Zealand artists NATTY.
For every Project Jonah Honeywrap purchased, 50c goes towards helping this awesome rescue charity to continue protecting our marine mammals.
Project Jonah is a marine mammal welfare charity, working hard to protect the beautiful whales and dolphins inhabiting NZ waters. These marine mammals face many threats, some natural and others man-made. These include: entanglement in fishing nets, overfishing, ship strike and pollution. Project Jonah works to educate and inform schools and communities across the country of the impacts we can have on these creatures, and the things we can do to help protect them. What’s more, with New Zealand having one of the highest stranding rates for whales and dolphins in the world (with an average of 300 animals stranding per year), Project Jonah travels the length of the country to help these stranded animals in need. Find out more here: https://www.projectjonah.org.nz/
Hayley King - aka Flox
“This was a very cool project to be part of. Honeywrap is a local biz with a beautiful philosophy of zero waste, so that inspired flavours of graphic Kiwi-ness and nature in my design. I also wanted to create a look that felt playful and fun, so when kids go to grab their food from their school lunch boxes, they’ve got a colourful, exciting looking lunch”
“I’ve been using them at home and and I’ve gotta say it’s so satisfying not having to use plastic bags and plastic wrap every day”
An aerosol and stencil artist with a fine art degree, Flox first made her mark on the inner cityscape of Auckland in 2003. Her trademark native birds, ferns and flowers – a celebration of Aotearoa’s environmental taonga – vibrant, confident colour; and scale combined with delicacy; magically transformed grey walls into vibrant depictions of the natural world.
Flox swiftly expanded her practice into prints, publications, murals, graphic design, live painting, projects, workshops for both school and the wider public, collaborations, charity work and both group and solo exhibitions. Her accessible narratives have broadened her appeal and shaped her into one of New Zealand’s most recognised contemporary artists.
Cathy Hansby
"My images feature some of New Zealand's endangered and vulnerable species. I began looking at our native animals and was captured by their stories and how we are so close to losing some of them. They represent our unique place in the world, and make New Zealand unlike any other. I was excited to be asked by Honeywrap to do a collaboration. The idea to do a seascape print, featuring three animals most endangered by plastic in the ocean was completely in line with my existing artworks".
Wendy Nannestad
"I am a multi disciplined designer with a passion for art, craft and sustainable design. Initially asked by Honeywrap to design their packaging and branding, it wasn't long before I jumped at the chance to be involved in designing graphics for their fabrics too. As I have three young children, it was exciting coming up with bright, fun, contemporary designs for a unique and useful product that would be an everyday feature in their lunchboxes too.
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