Small Changes Collectively Can Make a Huge Difference.
What can you do?

Use your people power! Avoid buying things that include plastic - choose brands that do good!
Send back plastic packaging or promotional material to companies and let them know you don't want it!
Have a say! Request companies to do better. If you want to save paper, click here for a template for you to copy and use to encourage places to do better! Alternatively, here's a pdf version.
Reduce Right Now
"Each one of us can make a difference, together we make change” – Barbara Mihulski

So what is so bad about plastic?
- There is too much of it - they're often thrown out after 20 minutes of use!
- Millions of seabirds and marine creatures die as a direct result of either ingesting plastic or getting entangled in it.
- Plastic does not biodegrade. Rather, harmful chemicals from it leach into the ground and waterways.
- Toxic chemicals used in plastic are detrimental to our health. Common chemicals found in plastics have been linked to birth defects, child development disorders and cancers.
- Plastics are not sustainable. They are made from non-renewable natural resources such as crude oil, gas and coal.
- 32% of the plastic we use ends up in our natural environment.
- New Zealander's alone use over 1 billion plastic bags per year. On average, each one is only used for 15 minutes.
- 268,940 tons of plastic is already estimated to be in our oceans. No one wants to swim in an ocean of plastic!
Each Honeywrap saves 75 metres of plastic wrap from going into landfill and our oceans every year.
11 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Use Right Now
When attempting a plastic-free life it is really hard to know where to start, plastic is everywhere you look and is so intertwined in our lives! So here is a list of my top 11 essentials that help me stay away from single-use plastic.
- Reusable drink bottles: Buy a good quality reusable drink bottle.
- Reusable bags: This is a biggie! Bring a reusable bag everywhere you go, I stay organised by keeping bags with me at all times. Sakitome bags are great because they fold up into a small pouch so I can keep them in my bag, car or in my bike basket and I'll never be caught without one!
- Reusable straws: Apart from being super cool, glass, metal and bamboo straws save an outrageous amount of plastic from entering the ocean (every single say 425 million straws end up in landfills)! The trick is to again, always be prepared and carry your reusable straw with you.
- Keep cups: Why would you want a yucky plastic lidded styrofoam cup when you can have a super slick glass and cork keep cup? Refusing single-use plastic can be ‘cool’ too! Also, cafes will often give you a discount for using your own cup.
- Honeywraps: Without a doubt my go-to for wrapping snacks on the go. Great for any leftovers too - my fridge looks magical with all the different coloured Honeywraps.
- Produce bags: Using netted bags for fruit and veggies help reduce wasteful plastic produce bag use at supermarkets. Keep them inside your reusable shopping bags and you are less likely to forget them!
- Choose cardboard and paper packaging over plastic, if shopping online, email the business and ask for no plastic packaging with your order.
- Swap to shampoo and conditioner bars. Each bar contains the equivalent of 5 bottles of hair product!
- Avoid beauty products with microbeads. Microbeads are often found in face and body 'scrubs' and are tiny plastic beads that get washed down the drain and into the ocean. Instead, choose natural skin exfoliators like sugar, coffee, pumice or sand!
- Stop using plastic cutlery and bring your own containers to your favourite takeout to avoid single-use plastic food storage and bags.
- Avoid excess packaging. Choose the option with less or no plastic packaging.
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